OBOT & MAT Treatment Programs provided by Myrtle Recovery Centers

OBOTs Treatment Programs
An OBOT (Office Based Opioid Treatment) is an outpatient program for addiction treatment designed for people living with opioid use disorder. This service provides Medication Assisted Treatment or MAT. This type of treatment allows for a “weaning” of the opiates while providing counselling, therapy, and case management services to assist the consumer on their journey to sobriety.
Our inpatient residential treatment center provides patients with a safe and comfortable stay as they take part in our inpatient treatment programs, including group therapy and support meetings. Upon admission, patients meet with our professional staff to begin developing their individual treatment plan.

Medication Assisted Treatments
Medication-assisted treatment, also known as MAT, is the use of medications with counselling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to treatment of substance use disorders.
At Myrtle Recovery Centers, following your consultation with our healthcare providers, we provide tailored treatment plans for each patient. Our inpatient residential treatment center provides patients with a safe and comfortable stay as they take part in our inpatient treatment programs, including group therapy and support meetings.
This process includes medical and mental health assessments and discussing substance use history in order to create a plan that best fits the patient’s needs.