Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that you don’t see answered below, email us at info@myrtlerecoverycenters.com and a member of our team will be happy to help.

What methods of payment do you accept?
Our Answer
We accept self-pay, TennCare and most other insurances. Speak to a member of our team to learn more about your payment options. (423) 569-7866.

How much does treatment cost?
Our Answer
Treatment costs will differ depending on each individual patient’s needs. You can chat to a member of our team on (423) 569-7866 to discuss pricing.

How long does treatment last?
Our Answer
Detox typically lasts 3-5 days. Residential Rehabilitation Treatment can range from approximately 10 -21 days. This differs from patient to patient.

I have a family member suffering from addiction that needs help. Can I make them come to your facility?
Our Answer
We offer a voluntary program, meaning patients come to our facility of their own free will seeking treatment. You can encourage a loved one to seek treatment, but not by force or threat. For example, you can provide them with our information and resources so that when they are ready, they have the information they need to reach out for help. Also, they can speak to a member of our team by calling (423) 569-7866.

If I leave mid-treatment, can I come back?
Our Answer
Every patient’s treatment can vary. While we may wish that everyone would be successful, we fully understand that for many patients their treatment journey may be disjointed.
With that in mind, if you were to leave treatment against medical advice, and decided to seek treatment again, we would be happy to evaluate you and if treatment would be appropriate, we would of course offer your that option, as long as your meet admission criteria at that time.

What assurances are there that I will not be shamed or stigmatized?
Our Answer
Myrtle provides a safe, respectful and supportive environment for its clients.

How do I get there if I do not have a car?
Our Answer
Myrtle will coordinate your transportation to our center working with local social services agencies and churches.

What if I don’t have insurance?
Our Answer
One of our team members can assist you with your application for TennCare. If you are unsuccessful in acquiring insurance, we can explore self-pay options and payment plans.

What services do you offer?
Our Answer
We offer Alcohol & Drug Residential Detoxification, Residential Rehabilitation Treatment and Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) Services.

Can I stay longer if I feel like I need to?
Our Answer
All treatment at Myrtle Recovery Centers, Inc. is driven by the healthcare providers at our Center. They determine and document the “medical necessity” of the treatment, which is required by insurance companies and payers. If you wish to seek additional treatment beyond that, we would need to explore alternative options for self-pay or charity gifts.

What happens next? Is there support after discharge?
Our Answer
We offer follow-up support for all our patients. We will also have support for patients at our OBOT (Office Based Opioid Treatment) Clinic. This treatment will include Individual and Group therapy, family therapy sessions, medication assisted treatment, case management services and long term follow up planning.

How does Myrtle assure my confidentiality?
Our Answer
We have stringent policies to guarantee patient confidentiality and privacy.

How available and qualified are the healthcare providers at Myrtle?
Our Answer
We have experienced and compassionate professionals in all aspects of our operations. Our shifts are fully staffed to guarantee prompt delivery of services.

How does Myrtle work with law enforcement and the courts?
Our Answer
Myrtle has a collaborative partnership with local courts and law enforcement as part of its rehabilitation services. The center does not incarcerate you or take away custody of children or parental rights.